Bye bye Grub, hello rEFInd

Grub was giving me fits this week.  After re-installing Windows 7 on my dual-boot machine it was booting directly into Windows.  After setting the BIOS > Boot > UEFI Hard Disk Drive BBS Priorities to use Ubuntu it booted to the Grub prompt instead of my Lubuntu instance.  After a lot of digging I discovered these commands at least got me back into Lubuntu (WARNING don't copy/paste these commands verbatim -- read this tutorial to figure out your exact values):

set root=(hd2,4)
set prefix=(hd2,4)/boot/grub
insmod normal

So, at least I could boot into either OS but having to type those commands each time was annoying.  After a ton of trial and error I simply gave up and ditched Grub for rEFInd:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:rodsmith/refind
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install refind
refind-install --shim /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi --localkeys

I then rebooted into my BIOS and set my BIOS > Boot > UEFI Hard Disk Drive BBS Priorities to Refind as the first boot option.

The machine now booted into rEFInd and gave me boot options.  There were three Ubuntu icon options but two were Grub based that took me to the Grub prompt so only the third vmlinuz-based option worked.  I then rebooted back into rEFInd to verify the Windows option worked as well (which it did).  I then rebooted back into rEFInd and highlighted all the non-working options one at a time and pressed Delete on my keyboard which hid them from the menu options.  I then booted into Lubuntu and edited /boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf with the following values:

timeout 5
default_selection 1

After saving the file and rebooting, the new rEFInd menu looked somewhat like the old Grub menu that I liked using.  Success!


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