The best stapler on earth

Yes, I know this will sound like an infomercial or a bizarre departure from my normally tech-oriented blog postings, but I'm being serious.  The PaperPro Classic is the best stapler on earth.  I'm not kidding, it feels life changing when you use it.  That sounds like ludicrous hyperbole but it simply can't be described -- you have to experience it.

Why am I sharing this?  Because it represents a greater principle: greatness.  Sure, there are lots of staplers.  Sure, most of them work reasonably well.  Yeah, we all get annoyed at times when a staple mangles or jams.  But we deal with it and move on with our lives because, hey, it's a stapler.  Right?

Wrong, according to PaperPro.  Someone woke up one day and said "I don't care if staplers are the most bland office tool in existence, the bunt of Office Space jokes, or simply 'good enough' to get the job done...sort of.  I want perfection!  I want greatness!"  So they spent real time and money and resources dedicated to revolutionizing spring loaded metal riveting.  They produced a product they were legitimately proud of.  A product worthy of praise at the water cooler.  A product you actively protect from office 'borrow thiefs'.  A product you would be willing to create an online account for just to leave a stellar rating.  Yeah, it's that cool.

No, I don't work for PaperPro.  No, I don't get money to praise their awesomeness.  No, this is not a review or even an ad encouraging you to buy it.  It's a toast to greatness.  A toast to all the visionaries out there that said "I don't want another flip phone, I want to invent the iPhone!"  Who said "I don't want to tweak AI, I want to invent Deep Learning!"  Who said "Let's make a $35 computer and spawn an entire industry while we're at it."

To all those who refuse to accept mediocrity, a toast in your honor!


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