Failed VirtualBox OS X attempt

I had wanted to play around with the latest Mac operating system and this blog post regarding running OS X 10.7.3 (Lion) looked promising.  Furthermore, an updated post provided details for upgrading to 10.7.4.

After downloading the torrent file (a self-extracting archive) and extracting it (7z e MacOSXLion10.7.3.exe) I followed the YouTube video for applying the VirtualBox settings and gave it a whirl.  After a few minutes of the boot load process, I ended up with what a lot of other users reported: a black screen.

Ultimately, I'm convinced it's because I'm running an AMD processor, which Mac doesn't officially support at all and the forums strongly warn you against.

I guess I'll have to wait for my next computer upgrade to attempt another virtual "hackintosh".


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